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It is believed that 300 million years ago, all the continents we know today were once massed together as a “supercontinent” before they split up, and this massive land was called “Pangaea.” The name Pangaea derives from Ancient Greek: Pan meaning “entire” and Gaea meaning “earth.”
Today, thanks to the internet and social media, it seems as if we are moving back together into one big cyberland. Hence the name of my piece, which represents the world through atlas pages bonded together using natural materials such as beeswax, resin and gold. The printed pages of an old atlas saved from the landfill serve as a metaphor for the way the printed word is slowly disappearing in this new era of global communication. The use of spheres represents moving forward and at the same time going back to our origins in a different way. As they say, every end is a new beginning.
©2020 All images copyright of Corina S. Alvarezdelugo. All Rights Reserved.